Day: April 3, 2019

A curious story

When Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time, he not only said his famous phrase, “A small step for man, a huge leap for humanity,” but then made several comments, communication between him, the other astronauts and the control center. However, just on returning to […]

The truth about women

The young King Arthur was surprised and imprisoned by the monarch of the neighboring kingdom while hunting furtively in their forests. The king could have killed him in the act, because such was the punishment for those who violated the laws of property, but was moved by the youth and […]


Two nuns left the convent to sell biscuits. One of them was known as Sister Matematica (HM) and the other as Sister Logica (HL). It was getting dark and they were still very far from the convent: HL- Did you notice that a man is following us a while ago? […]


Given the irregular situation of the last elections in the US, the United Nations has formed a commission of international observers for the recount of votes in the State of Florida. Next, the list of the observers that will be coming to supervise and guarantee the elections: Germany: Herr Doktor […]

The tragedy of the president

The president went to visit a class of 4th. Degree of a Primary School . His arrival came during a discussion about words and their meanings. The teacher asked the President if he would like to participate in the discussion about the meaning of the word “tragedy”. Then, the enlightened […]