I would like to say that my wife

I would like to say that my wife and I are classified by our environment in the category “rational people” and sometimes suffer from it, because it always has the connotation “they are missing something”. But we are in fact quite of the opinion, fantasies and dreams to be able to and do not deny that much of our senses eludes. Only UFOs, we never believed that until …

We live at the foot of the Schoenberg in Merzhausen and love nocturnal walks, as we then see in the north the enlightened city of Freiburg at our feet. Towards the east, the Black Forest rises into the night sky, sometimes you can observe wonderful moonlight walks. To the south we look into the Hexental, below the lights of the villages Merzhausen and Au and on the slopes the lights of isolated farms. On that day we still had our first dog Bärry, a big Bernese Sennhund, which we – as he did not have a hunting instinct – could run free next to us. I had just stooped to him and tried to convince him to walk a bit further, he switched to his old days already once on stubborn and stopped just when I froze. High above the firmament circled a miraculous flying object that I had never seen before. It had an oval shape, shone brightly and moved only slowly.
“Do you see that too?”, I asked my wife, but could see that she was also completely dumbfounded. “Now I know how people feel when they see a UFO,” I said. The dog was not interested in this light phenomenon at all. We puzzled, on the unsuccessful search for explanations. Meanwhile, we were on the way home, the “UFO” still visible. We thought we saw it move, but why did it circle over our village? Time to put the dog on a leash – luckily there is no muzzling with us, but enough hysterical people. We do not want trouble. “Look!”, Said my wife and burst into a loud laughter. “That must not be true,” I said, ashamed to have agreed to “brazen” beliefs. to give up readily on the basis of the eye. Above us hovered a mighty crane. In one of his arms reflected the risen moon, also the pulpit was illuminated. Somehow, the lighting effects had us a much greater height and distance pretended. “The ‘reality’ we think we see is not always the one that exists,” my wife said. Is not that always the case?

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