This is the story of an economics teacher in an English university

This is the story of an economics teacher in an English university who had the annoying tendency to always tell dirty jokes and make wild insinuations.

Tired of being always targeted, a group of students decided that at the slightest hint of sexual tenderness, they would get up and leave the amphitheater in protest.
Nevertheless, a boy having heard the girls draw their plan and wanting to fayote told the teacher everything.

In the following course, which spoke about the French economy, the professor judiciously put this sentence: “You know that despite a high unemployment rate, France still needs manpower … We know, for example, that there is has a shortage of prostitutes in Paris … “

At these words, the girls who decided the rebellion looked at each other, nodded and all got up at the same time to leave the room …
… And the professor, observing them with an innocent air told them very well:

  • Let’s go miss, useless to press you! The next plane for Paris does not take off until tonight …
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