The Paradox of Creation

THEY SAY THAT GOD CREATED THE DONKEY AND SAID: – “You will be a donkey, you will work from sunrise to sunset, you will load everything on your back and you will live 30 years”. The donkey answered: – Sir, I will be everything you ask, but … 30 years is a lot, why not 10 years better? And God created the donkey. AFTER GOD CREATED THE DOG AND SAID: – “You will be a dog, you will take care of the house of men, you will eat what they give you and you will live 25 years”. The dog answered: – Sir, I will be everything you ask me, but … 25 years is a lot, why not 10 years better? And God created the dog. THEN GOD CREATED THE MONKEY AND SAID: – “You will be cute, you will jump from tree to tree, you will do antics to amuse others and you will live 15 years”.
The monkey replied: – “Sir, I will be everything you ask, but … 15 years is a lot, why not better 5 years?” And God created the monkey
FINALLY, GOD CREATED THE MAN AND SAID: – “You will be the most intelligent on earth, you will dominate the world and you will live 30 years.”
The man replied: – “Sir, I will be everything you ask, but … 30 years is little. Why do not you give me also the 20 years that the donkey did not want, the 15 that the dog did not accept and the 10 that the monkey refused ?. And God created man.
AND HERE THE PARADOX: So the man lives 30 years as a man, then he marries and lives 20 years as a donkey, working from sunrise to sunset and carrying on his back the weight of the family; then he retires and lives 15 years as a dog, taking care of the house, eating whatever he gets and ends up living 10 years as a monkey, jumping from house to house with the children, and doing antics to amuse the grandchildren.

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