Where are the angels? How to find them

     She always looked like an ordinary girl, she had problems like everyone else, but smaller and greater joys met her. It was all so gray, bland, but at the same time normal and quite common. However, she has always believed in angels …

     Angels were her haven, her dream world, HER world … She knew that she was never alone at home, her room was filled with winged friends. She felt their presence, often talked to them. Every night her Guardian Angel, the favorite who knew and valued her most, sat on the closet next to her bed. She saw him, for her this glow was not just a reflection of a lantern shining outside the window, she felt that He was sitting there. For her, there was no terrible and dark path through the forest, because whenever she needed it she would take her invisible friend’s hand. She passed each exam because in case of trouble he whispered the answer in her ear. It was her own world, ordinary people couldn’t enter it …

     Suddenly her life began to change. She felt finally happy and had millions of reasons. Everything was wonderful, absolutely brilliant! Once someone told her that she had an “angel smile” and only then she noticed that she had become an angel … She was crying with happiness, she always wanted to be one of them. Now she had real snow-white wings, an unusually radiant face, and the gleam of her eyes gave joy to everyone she encountered on her way. She could fly! Every situation, even hopeless, became clear, transparent … The smile never left her ruddy face. She had many friends, but only to one told her secrets, only to him could be an angel, when he told her then no one could be happier than her. She knew that in a few weeks, days,

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     The day came that she would never forget … The girl saw that the wings were falling slowly, the brightness of her beautiful black eyes faded, and the extraordinary friend who was to become an angel like her disappeared without a trace. Then, when she flew for the last time, she saw everyone look at her with envy and want her to finally fail. She fell! Nobody helped her! She lay powerless for a long time! Nobody saw … no one admired her anymore, nobody envied her, everyone glanced shyly in disgust. She was helpless, she cried … She stood up! However, she never returned to her glory. The heavy heart always felt when she came back to those few weeks of true happiness, she had no strength to be an angel, her friend left … People hated her, she would have been alone if not for the angels who would never leave her. Only with them can he laugh. I feel that she used to be one of them, maybe someday, maybe she will come back …