National Assembly abandons Google for Qwant

National Assembly abandons Google for Qwant

In France, the National Assembly decided to change the search engine. By December 31, MPs and their collaborators are invited to browse their computers, smartphones and tablets using the Qwant search engine services.

The arrival of Qwant  on the computers of the National Assembly is a great victory for the “Tom Thumb” of research on the Web against the mastodon Google in a near-monopoly situation in the world. After several institutions in the Ile-de-France region, many schools and the Ministry of the Armed Forces, the deputies will in turn adopt Qwant which will be installed by default, in place of the engine of the American firm. ”  The elected officials wanted to set an example so that Internet users understand that it is important to protect their privacy! “Says Eric Léandri, CEO of Qwant.

A 100% French engine

Qwant’s ambition today is to become the first web-based device for European digital sovereignty. With balanced funding, the 100% French search engine is on the rise! Only in Europe to have its own web indexing technology (SEO sites and pages, ed), it claims full privacy protection to its users by refusing any tracking device for advertising purposes. 

”  I’m not saying that we will attack everywhere Google, it makes no sense, but simply be a European alternative that has the right to quote everywhere on the planet. That’s what we try to do. And then, when you index France, you index Africa. With Qwant Academy [an initiative that implements partnerships in Africa, ed], we give the indexes of African countries to African countries . Once you have indexed Portugal, you index Brazil. With Spain, you index Latin America. We are working very hard on Canada. So it’s really long work that starts to pay,   says Eric Leandri.

Qwant Junior, a motor dedicated to 6-13 year olds

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The company also multiplies service offerings for various themes. Qwant Junior, for example, to exclude in the view of its lifts violent or pornographic content. In the launch phase, qwant Mail, non-intrusive, secure messaging, encrypted and qwant Maps, which offers a free tracing mapping and finally qwant Pay that will make purchases on the web directly from their mobile without fear of being spammed by mountains of unwanted pubs and for the most part unsolicited.