Why are snow leopards biting their own tail?

Why are snow leopards biting their own tail?

Quite a lot of users ask themselves on Twitter – because there are countless pictures of them.

The word “curiosity” is a beautiful word. Not only for its sound. Does it mean one thing that prunes us in everyday life, maybe even perplexed. But in a harmless way, just so that our curiosity is awakened.

Why are snow leopards biting their own tail?

Such a curiosity recently appeared on Twitter . A photo of a snow leopard biting its own tail. It was posted by user Rae Paoletta. Occurs, you might think, a snow leopard bites his dick. Out of boredom maybe or because a mosquito got caught in it and decided to stab it.

Why are snow leopards biting their own tail?

So you would not pay much attention to such a photo. But, and now we come into the area of ​​curiosity: Paoletta posted many more photos of snow leopards. And: they all bite themselves into their own snow leopard tail. As if that were a trend, just as people have been wearing sneakers for years. An intergenerational trend on top of that: both snow leopard mummies and daddies, as well as snow leopard babies seem to like the occasional bite in the fluffy limb.

But there are not only a lot of such photos, but also a lot of people who are ecstatic about them. Rae Paoletta’s post has gone viral by now: over 204,000 likes, over 91,000 comments.

Nobody knows why the snow leopards do it. Some users put forward the theory, the cats do this to avoid frostbite on the tail in cold mountainous regions. Or for fun. Most of them do not seem to have to know that exactly, because the photos are droll enough without explanation:

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