Commemorative gallery for a funny meme dog stirs his fans

Commemorative gallery for a funny meme dog stirs his fans

The “I have no idea what I’m doing dog” does not live anymore – but the pictures just do not get old.

This bitch could do it all – without a plan. To commemorate the “I have no idea what I’m doing dog” her master has now posted a touching best-of album. And the bitch is viral again – maybe one last time.

Bailey, the golden retriever lady, became a meme years ago as an “I have no idea what I’m doing”. Whether digging or cutting wood, whether cooking, washing, ironing or relaxing on the couch – Bailey did all the everyday life in the flat share of her ruler John Nebbia. While other dogs have the nose when it comes to retrieving or giving paws, she was able to stop one thing above all else. And so became the object of numerous WG-sillinesses.

The amiable bitch that made so many of them grin died in 2016. But since yesterday she has become a star again – because her master has posted a gallery with the hundred best snapshots of the retriever , in memory of a beloved family member and a haphazard Internet star. “We will miss her forever, but we hope she will live on through her images and continue to give people joy and laughter,” wrote her owner on reddit and imgur .

In 2009 John Nebbia got the puppy Bailey on his 21st birthday. She moved into his student flat and was always there with people. Because she already had a local fan base before the hype, it was only logical that she also soon got her own Twitter and Instagram account. And the “I’ve no idea what I’m doing dog” knew very well what he did – because quickly Bailey began to pose, as long as the pay was right. “She loves cuddling,” Nebbia said in an interview with WOWT News . “I think that’s one of the reasons she poses so easily; she feels good when she snuggles up, “he explained her coolness to her photo shoots. The treats that she got regularly, but certainly have also contributed their part.

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In 2011, Bailey became famous: Her master had posted a snapshot of her, on which she “works” on his laptop. With the catch phrase “I have no idea what I’m doing”, she ended up at reddit.

Just like now. The gallery in memory of the lovable dog lady stirs many of her fans to tears. Here is the phrase “The Internet never forgets” finally a reason to be happy. Rest in Peace, Bailey.