Please follow: the Husky with really bad mood

Please follow: the Husky with really bad mood

Also at Christmas. The Instagram tip of the week.

Please follow: the Husky with really bad mood 1

This is the name of the account:

You can see there …

… pictures of Anuko. And quite a lot. His owner shows the husky with the blue eyes in different, often very human situations and poses.

What you would otherwise quickly annoyed with a “Oh, the poor dog!” Click away, works here by the always deeply unimpressed and latent grumpy expression Anukos just funny. There are pictures in which he is seen as absolutely not happy sunflower or, in the current Christmas edition, as a sullen reindeer. It is always true: Anuko really has no fun and wants to let us all feel it.

Behind it …

… his owner Jasmine Milton. After being treated for bipolar personality disorder, she got the Husky. Now he helps her to finance her medical studies – and that is not bad at all. Jasmine is said to have already earned over 20,000 pounds in advertising revenue. Because Anuko not only has his own Instagram profile, but also a YouTube channel and a model contract and gets numerous gifts from his fans. No reason to look grumpy anymore. He does it anyway. Luckily!

You should follow that …

… if you are actually a little stinking boot. Because Anuko manages to visually perfect the Grantlertum and shows you how you can spread good mood without a smile. So if you’re in a bad mood, it’s okay to surround yourself with even more bad mood. With Anuko, it guarantees the opposite.