A husband was struggling to start the lawnmower

A husband was struggling to start the lawnmower

A husband was struggling to start the lawnmower in the backyard. His wife watched from the

kitchen window for a few minutes before finally calling out, “You know, honey, I think the

problem might be that you need to give it a little more love. Why don’t you try talking to it

sweetly?” The husband rolled his eyes but decided to humor her. He leaned close to the

lawnmower and said, “You know, you and I have a lot in common. You’re stubborn, I’m

stubborn. You don’t want to work, I don’t want to work. But somehow, we manage to get

things done.” As he turned the key again, the lawnmower roared to life. He grinned and

shouted back to his wife, “Looks like it just needed to hear

things from a man’s perspective!”

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