A man finds a magic lantern on the beach

A man finds a magic lantern on the beach

A man finds a magic lantern on the beach A genie comes out and says “I will grand you three wishes, but I’m a different type of genie, I need you to know whatever you wish for, your ex-wife will get double.”

The guy is kind of amazed the genie knows about his ex-wife, but he goes ahead and starts making wishes.

“I wish I had a million dollars.” Boom, he gets a million dollars, but 2 million goes directly into his ex-wife’s bank account.

“I wish I had an enormous mansion.” Boom, he gets an enormous mansion, but his ex-wife gets TWO mansions.

“Now think carefully about your last wish, your ex wife will get double whatever it is”

“Ok genie, I’d like you to take me out back and beat me half to death”

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