Yesterday I phoned some celebrities

Yesterday I phoned some celebrities and asked them the following question:

“What do you say to the World Cup preliminary round of
the German team?”

Here are the answers:

Uwe Seeler: That was clear. Only the HSV!

Jenny Jürgens: The next time will be better – but please with Sané!

Stefan Effenberg: A stinky finger would be understated!

Martin Schulz: Now I really need a selfie with Jogi Löw!

Alexander Gauland: Nobody wants a lion to neighbors!

Sahra Wagenknecht: That was the defeat of a capitalist and imperialist force that did not understand what this world is really about!

Campino: Elf Jägermeister instead of a world champion!

Sandro Wagner: Do not regret anything!

Hape Kerkeling: They’ll be gone!

Siegfried and Roy: Badly bellowed, Löw!

BILD: We are Messdiener (mea maxima culpa)!

Martin Winterkorn: The software of the team has falsified the result!

Markus Söder: Bayern players have messed up the state election! Expect sorry!

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier: The Germany flag is set in front of all public buildings at half-mast until a new national coach is found.

President Vladimir Putin: Stalingrad sends his regards!

Queen Elisabeth II .: I’m amused!

Waldemar Hartmann: Again we have lost a war!

Giovanni Trappatoni: What do Lööööw allow? He finished!

Didi Hallervorden: That was palimberlim and bottle empty!

Jogi Löw: We have seen that we have improved. But the others did too – and that was very unfair and will have an aftermath!

Dr. Müller-Wolfarth: The proof that we have nothing to do with doping! Verplay instead of Vint (methamphetamine).

Oliver Bierhoff: What do you want ?! Leave me alone with this shit!

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Marco Reuss: The coach said: Play at half-time, because there’s still a long way to go before the final!

Joschka Fischer: With permission, Mr. Löw, you are an asshole!

Andrea Nahles: They’ll get another hit on me!

President Reccep Erdogan: Bu benim suçum! – It’s my fault!

Christian Lindner: Better not win than win bad!

Mesut Özil: – – –

Pope Francis: The Kroos Gate was a gift from the Lord and blasphemed by Sweden’s clenched fist.