John walks into a pub and gets chatting

John walks into a pub and gets chatting

John walks into a pub and gets chatting to this big muscly guy at the bar. “What are you drinking?” he asks.

“Magic beer,” says the big guy.

John laughs. “Come on… there’s no such thing as magic beer.”

“Oh yeah?” says the big guy. “Watch this!” He takes a big swig of his beer, crosses his arms over his chest… and hovers three feet off the ground.

John rubs his eyes, shakes his head to clear it, and says, “No, it’s been a long day and I’m tired. That can’t have happened – I’m seeing things.”

The big guy says, “No, honest to God – hey, bartender, give me another pint of that magic beer!”

The bartender shakes his head, but he slides another pint of beer down the bar.

The guy drinks half of it in one go, stands up, and says, “Watch this.”

He runs upstairs, opens a window, jumps out… and flies three times around the building, shouting, “Wheeeeee!”

John is absolutely amazed, but he can’t deny the evidence of his own eyes. He snatches up the beer glass and downs the rest of it. He runs upstairs, opens a window,

jumps out… and plummets to the ground, breaking both his legs.

As he’s being loaded into the ambulance, the bartender shakes his head and says, “You know what, Superman? You’re a real dick when you’re drunk.”

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