“Good day, little Princess Lejla, do you know Laura? Oh, no, you certainly do not know the Laura that I mean, you may know another Laura, but not the Laura I want to tell you about Laura, of whom this story is about, is about your age, but I do not know for sure, but that’s not so important either.

Laura is a very special and lovely girl, just like you. By the way, she has a very best friend. The Teddy Fritzi. The two actually do everything together. How really big friends, just. The other day they played together in the playground in front of the house where Laura and Fritzi live. Suddenly they heard loud voices and laughter. The voices came closer and closer to the playground. Laura looked up. “Oh dear,” she sighed, “Here comes Tommy and the others!” Tommy, that’s the name of the boy who lives in the house next door. And the others, that’s Bastian and Anna, Tommy’s friends. Tommy, Bastian and Anna are a bit taller and older than Laura. And they always have some great toys. Then they can think of something. That’s why they always annoy Laura and Fritzi. Now they came to the playground and headed straight for the swing on which Laura was sitting with Fritz in her arms. “Hey, you,” Tommy shouted. “Get off the swing! Make room, now we’re rocking!” At first Laura wanted to give a snotty answer, but then she hugged Fritzi tightly and went with him to the sandpit. Determined not to be driven off the playground this time. She put Fritzi in the sand next to her and started building a sandcastle. It was a very beautiful sand castle, with two entrances and a ditch around it. but then she hugged Fritzi tightly and went with him to the sandbox. Determined not to be driven off the playground this time. She put Fritzi in the sand next to her and started building a sandcastle. It was a very beautiful sand castle, with two entrances and a ditch around it. but then she hugged Fritzi tightly and went with him to the sandbox. Determined not to be driven off the playground this time. She put Fritzi in the sand next to her and started building a sandcastle. It was a very beautiful sand castle, with two entrances and a ditch around it.

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She filled the ditch with some water from her water bottle, which she had brought from her home in her little red bag. “Now we need trees and rocks for the outside,” Laura said to Fritzi and got up to collect small stones and flowers or small branches for her castle on the playground. When she turned to go back to the sandpit, she got a big shock. Tommy and his friends were in the sandbox. More precisely, where Laura’s beautiful sand castle was! They had trampled the whole castle with their feet. And now they began throwing the poor, terrified Fritzi through the air in a high arc! They laughed and shouted loudly. That was too much! Laura ran to the sandbox and shouted, “Not the Fritzi! Leave my Fritzi alone!” When Laura arrived at Tommy, he turned to her and pushed her into the sand. Anna, who had just Fritzi in hand, mockingly asked: “What do you want with this boring, old teddy, so you can not play right!” And Tommy called to Anna, “Throw him away, that stupid Teddy!” And to Laura he said: “Do you want to see real toys? We can maybe show you our things, but only if you please, please say!” Then the three laughed loudly again. Laura got up and shouted: “No, I want my Fritzi again, you can keep your stupid things!” Tommy laughed even louder. He was just about to say something when they heard his mother calling for him in the street. He turned and said to his friends: “Come, I have to go home. “Anna wanted to throw Fritzi into the bushes, but Laura jumped up to her and kicked her shin.” Ow! “Anna dropped the teddy.” You’ll get that back, “she called, but then they heard Tommy’s mother again call. “Come, let her. I have to go now. “Tommy pulled Anna with him, Bastian followed them, and as they left, Laura stuck out her tongue, then they were gone.

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Laura picked Fritzi off the floor. He was very dirty and disheveled. Laura quickly made him a little clean with her hand. Then she sat with him in the sand and hugged him to him. Fritzi was still shivering a bit. Laura sniffed, “Stupid Anna, stupid Tommy, and Bastian is stupid!” Fritzi said softly, “Thank you for helping me!” Laura stroked his ears, said: “Of course you’re my best friend!” Because that’s the way it is. Friends do not let themselves down. Actually, the story could be over here. If there had not suddenly happened something unbelievable, which neither Laura nor Fritzi would have expected.