Sick Ali and His Boss

Sick Ali and His Boss

Ali is sick! Ali calls his boss in the morning and says:
Scheffe …
Ali nothing could come work today …
Ali all hurts,
… head hurts Ali …
throat hurts … legs hurts!
I do not come today, Scheffe.

Does the boss say : well
, Ali …
that’s shit of course …
Degrees’ today I need you very much!
Do you know what I always do when I’m sick? I go to my wife, she blows me one and I’m fine.
Try that. Ali …

Then Ali:
Well Scheffe … I’m
trying that …
call me again …
Two hours later, Ali calls again:
You, Scheffe … you have given me good tip …
I ‘m pretty healthy again …
nothing headache …
nothing sore throat … Ische
equal come …
by the way, Scheffe … You have a nice apartment !!!

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