It’s a lady who buys a kit cabinet from a well-known Swedish furniture retailer.

It’s a lady who buys a kit cabinet from a well-known Swedish furniture retailer. As her husband often makes fun of his handyman, she decides to ride it alone.

She goes back home, unpacks everything, reads the multilingual notice and starts. ..
Despite the difficulties, she is doing quite well, and the result is honorable.
At this moment, a bus passes in the street, and causes some vibrations which are enough to make collapse the beautiful building.

It starts again with more application but when the bus passes again, everything falls apart! Same result after a third attempt.

She calls a neighbor who comes to give him a hand. In two stages, the cabinet is mounted. But the bus passes and once again, the cabinet collapses. The pride of the neighbor takes a hit; he decides to enter the closet to see what room gives way when the bus arrives.

At this moment, the husband returns:

  • “Hey you bought a new wardrobe?”
    He opens the door, falls on the neighbor who explains to him:
  • “You will not believe me if I tell you that I am waiting for the bus …” !!
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