Camel Mother And Son

Camel Mother And Son

A camel mum and her son talk together when the baby camel asks his mother:

  • Mom, why do I have three toes on each foot? His mother replies: – Well, my son, when you cross the desert, these toes allow you to walk in the sand without being pushed down. A little later, the little camel asks his mother: – Mom, why do I have such big eyelids? – It’s to prevent the sand from going in your eyes when you travel in the desert. – Oh yes, thank you mom, replied the little camel. After a short while, the camel boy turns to his mother and asks: – Mom, why do I have these big bumps on the back? The mother, begins to be annoyed by all her questions but still responds to her son: – It is to store water and so during the trips in the desert, allow you to spend long periods without drinking. – It’s great mom, so we have three toes to not push us in the sand, big eyelids to not have sand in the eyes and bumps on the back to store water, but mom .. . – Yes my boy? – Will you tell me what we do at the zoo?
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