An Old Woman In Hospital

An Old Woman In Hospital

It’s happening in Israel.
A little old woman calls the Mount Sinai Hospital.
“The Mount Sinai Hospital? Hello, one of my friends is hospitalized at home and I would like to be given information on her health status” The operator answers: “I will see what I can do to What is the name of the person? ” “Her name is Sarah Finkel, she’s in room 302 …” “All right, I’ll put you in touch with a nurse in her ward.” After a few seconds of waiting, it’s another voice to the other. end of the device: “Yes hello, I am told that you want to hear from someone in our service, Sarah Finkel

“Yes, that’s right, I know you do not have to communicate information over the phone, but Sarah is my girlfriend and I’m afraid she will not tell me the truth about her condition. have more family and I can not move … ” ” Hmmm … I’m going to give you a quick summary. “Ms. Finkel was admitted today after losing consciousness Her first exams are very good: she has just a little tension, we are waiting for the results of a second series of tests, and if they are good, she will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow. ” The old lady on the other end exults, “Tomorrow, tomorrow!” Mazeltov, it’s wonderful, how happy I am to hear that …

The nurse speaks again: “You must really be very close to Mrs. Sarah Finkel to be so happy?” “If I’m close to Sarah Finkel, but I AM Sarah Finkel, I called you because the doctor never said anything to me!”

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