Four Men During The Class

Four Men During The Class

Four friends were doing really well during their classes: they got the maximum marks (or almost)
at home and at home. So, at the time of the
final exam , they decide not to study the previous weekend, but
drive up to a friend’s birthday party in a nearby town,
even though the exam is scheduled for Monday morning. As
expected, they drank too much at the party, and on Monday morning they were completely
done, and slept too long. When they finally arrive on
campus, the exam is already finished.
They go to the professor’s office to provide an explanation. ” We
was at a friend’s birthday party, and when we came
home while driving, very early this morning, we suddenly had a
flat tire . We did not have a spare, and since we were on
secondary roads , it took us hours to get help. ”
The professor is a friendly nod and said,” I see that
it’s not your fault. I allow you to repeat the missed exam
tomorrow morning. ”
When they arrive early Tuesday morning, students are introduced into
a large amphitheater by the teacher, and sit away from each
other, without cheating hope. Exam topics are already in place and,
confident, the students begin to write.
The first question – five points out of a hundred – is a simple exercise, which all four finish in ten minutes.
When the first of them finishes the problem, he turns the page of the
exam subject and reads the following:
Problem 2 (95 points out of 100): Which tire was flat?

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