A New Zealand Farmer gets a knock on his door

A New Zealand Farmer gets a knock on his door

A New Zealand Farmer gets a knock on his door, it’s a man in his mid-thirties who

looks like he’s been traveling a while.

The man asks if he could earn a meal and a place to stay for the night.

“Do you have any skills?” The farmer asks.

“Well, I do have a rare gift — I can communicate with animals.”

“…sure you can,” the farmer says. “But I like your style. I’ll put you to work.”

So the man does a few chores around the farm and earns his meal. At dinner, he says

to the farmer, “I know you don’t believe me, but I actually do communicate with

animals. I can prove it. I spoke to the hens, and they said you were there every

before dawn to collect their eggs, and you’ve been doing so every day for years since

your wife passed.”

The farmer says, “Wow, that’s exactly right!”

The man continues, “I spoke to your cow, and she said you’ve faithfully milked her

every day before dawn, and you’ve been doing so every day for years since your wife


The farmer says, “I’m amazed. That’s true.”

The man says, “And I spoke to your sheep…”

“That sheep is a liar!”

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