Three men are standing at the pearly gates

Three men are standing at the pearly gates

Three men are standing at the pearly gates
Saint Peter asks the first one, “Why should I let you into heaven?”

The man replies, “Well, I’ve always tried to be a good husband and father. I never lied and I never cheated.”

Saint Peter says, “Very well,” and lets him through. He asks the second man the same question, to which he responds, “Well, I never killed anybody. And I donated $20 to the animal shelter.”

Saint Peter lets him through. He turns to the third man and says, “I looked through your papers and it doesn’t look like you’ve done any good deeds. Is there any reason I should let

you into heaven?”

“Well, this one time I was driving down the road and I saw this big gang of bikers beating up some poor guy, so I pulled out my tire iron and walked over to them and yelled, Leave him

alone. Their leader was this big, ugly guy with a chain running from his ear to his nose. I walked right up to him and ripped out the chain, and yelled, You guy better get out of here before I

beat you up with this tire iron.”

Saint Peter says, “Wow, that was a brave deed, but I can’t seem to find it here. When did it happen?”

The man replies, “Two minutes ago.”Three men are standing at the pearly gates

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