A Boy With His Father

A Boy With His Father

A Boy With His Father

A boy asks his father:

  • Dad, I have to give a presentation at school, can I ask you some questions?
  • Yes of course, go what do you want to know?
  • What are politics ?
    The father thinks a little and then starts:
  • Well here, take our home as an example. I am an employee, so I make money, so let’s call it “capitalism”. Your mother is the administrator of property, let’s call the “government”. We must take care of you and provide for your needs, so you are “the people”. Let’s call the good “the working class”, and your little sister who is only one year old, “the future”. Is it clearer now?
    The little one thinks and says:

That night, awakened by the cries of his little sister, the boy went to see what was wrong.
Discovering that his younger sister was seriously filling his diapers, the little one went to his parents’ room on seeing that his mother was fast asleep he went to see in the maid’s room where through the keyhole he saw his father by train. to jump the good.
The boy was so disgusted by what he saw that he went back to his room and went back to bed.
The next morning the boy goes to see his father:

  • that’s it, dad, now I think I understand what politics is.
  • Very well, son! Tell me now with your own words.
  • Well, while Capitalism fucks the working class, the government is fast asleep, the people are completely ignored and the future is in shit.
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