I remember the steps in our attic very well

I remember the steps in our attic very well. My wife and I were already in bed when we repeatedly heard footsteps over us. We live in a detached family house and the attic is not developed and only accessible via a trap door. Accordingly shocked we both reacted. I carefully lowered the trap door and looked, while my wife held the phone in her hand to get help if necessary. It was nothing. We put out the lights and went to bed – and again after a while we heard the footsteps. It was scary! The procedure was repeated. Light on, looked up, nothing was. Hedged, breathless listening, steps on the attic, etc.

At some point later we had a family dormouse in the attic. Known people told us that dormice perform a huge dance before mating. We both laughed and found our “explanation”. But who knows, sometimes it still bumps. Light on – nothing. So the puzzle remains unresolved, only we have arranged – with our mind ;-))

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