How to write a presentation?

Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a well-lit place with enough freshly sharpened pencils

· Call your mails

· Read the task carefully to make sure you understand it

· Go to the vending machine and get a coffee, which promotes concentration.

· Call your mails.

· Stop by your fellow student on the way back upstairs. If your friend has not started the talk yet, you can go to McDonalds and have a hamburger. This promotes concentration. If your friend shows you his paper, neatly typed and bound in one of those weird transparent plastic staples, chase him to hell.

· When you are back in your room, sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well-lit place with enough freshly sharpened pencils.

· Read the task carefully to be absolutely sure that you understand it.

· Call your mails.

· You know that you have not written this guy from the camp since the 4th grade. Just write this letter now, then you have done it and can concentrate better.

· Look at your teeth in the bathroom mirror.

· Listen to a page of your favorite tape, that’s important. When it is over, you start with the presentation.

· Listen to the other side.

· Call your mails.

· Arrange all your CDs in alphabetical order.

· Call your friend upstairs and ask if he has already started his speech.

· Share about your professor, about the university, about the world as a whole.

· Sit in a straight, comfortable chair. Take a Mentos , let it melt its unique taste on your tongue.

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· Call your mails.

· Check the TV program, make sure you do not miss something really important. Note: If the presentation has to be delivered in less than 12 hours, then everything on TV is really important.

· Exceptions:

o The transfer of the bowling championships

o Every movie with Don Ameche

· Look at the last part of “Soul Brother of Kung Fu to” on channel 26

· Call your friend upstairs and ask if he has seen it too. Discuss the intricacies of the plot.

· Call your mails.

· Look at your tongue in the bathroom mirror.

· Take a look at the photo album of your roommate. Ask exactly who the people are in the photos.

· Sit down and think seriously about your future plans after.

· Go out the door and make sure that there are not any strange strangers in trench coats hanging around in the hallway

· Call your mails.

· Sit in a straight, comfortable chair in a clean, well lit place with enough freshly sharpened pencils

· Read through the task again, just like that.

· Roll the chair to the window and look at the sunset.

· Throw yourself on the floor and moan.

· Call your mails.

· Jump on and write the paper.

· Tip it off and while you’re at it, retrieve your mail.

· Wish everyone that you had to go through the night because of this damn presentation.