Captain Bravado (Funny Story)

Captain Bravado (Funny Story)

A long time ago lived an officer of the Royal Army named Captain Bravado. He was a man, a real man, who showed no fear when facing his enemies. One day, while navigating the seven seas, he saw a pirate ship approaching. His crew was very nervous. Captain Bravado shouted,
“Go get me my red shirt!
The first officer went to fetch the captain’s red shirt, which immediately put it on. He then led his crew to battle and killed all the pirates. That night, all the men were sitting outside and celebrating their victory. Finally one of them asked the captain:
– Captain, why did you ask for your red shirt before the battle?
– If I had been hurt during the attack, my blood would not have appeared on the shirt. And the men would have continued to fight without fear.
All men looked at him with respect and admiration.
As the sun rose the next morning, the sailors saw not one, not two, but TEN pirate ships approaching. The horrified crew was waiting for the captain’s orders. Captain Bravado looked quietly at the 10 boats, then stared at his first officer and finally said calmly:
– Go get me my brown pants!

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