Alienation as a means to knowledge

Alienation as a means to knowledge

A shamefully sad funny example

A woman and a man in a hot air balloon have lost their bearings. They go deeper and finally sift a man who looks up to them: 
“Sorry, can you help us? We have promised someone to meet him, but we do not know where we are. ” 
The man on the ground answers,” Yes, you are in a hot air balloon about 10 m above ground. They are at 49th degree, 28 minutes and 11 seconds north latitude, and 8 degrees, 28 minutes, and 58 seconds east longitude. ” 
” They obviously have expertise, probably have solid science education, “one of them exclaims Balloon. 
“True,” replies the man. “How do you know that?”
“Well,” says the balloonist, “everything you said is factually correct, but we have no idea what we can do with it. We still do not know where we are. Frankly, you were not much help. At the most they have delayed our journey even further. ” 
The man replies,” You must be a politician. ” 
” Yes, “replies the balloonist,” but how do you know that? “
“Well,” says the man, “you have come to their current position due to a large amount of air, a position that obviously overtaxes you. Obviously, they are unable to use their funds wisely and efficiently. They capriculate themselves on a tiny minority – today on just one person – and waste their available resources for wanderings. You travel with twice as many people as you need. Without any scruples, you want to get more from your work done by people who have already paid for their money. Instead of qualifying and rationalizing policies, they demand more resources, which then are inadequate again, even though they need to know to do less damage,

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