Not on this day

The contractions had begun three hours ago, at 14.30 clock. They were not very violent yet. Lore and Matthias were in good spirits that they could do it.
“Not today,” said Lore and Matthias agreed, “Not today, not on this day.”
“We should have calculated that better.”
“Already, but who comes to birds with such an idea?” Matthias grinned.
“Besides, I did not know that you would forget the pill.”
“Neither do I.”
“Well, but you forgot them …”
“Do not start again.”
She had not quite pronounced the sentence when she felt a pain again and writhed.
“Damn it,
it’s getting worse! ” ” Is not that normal? “
If it gets worse, it means it’s faster, and if it gets faster, we might not make it until after midnight. ”
Matthias went pale. “That can happen under no circumstances.”
“I know.”
“The child must not have a birthday on that day, not on this day, not on the same day as …”
“You can believe me, I’ll try to prevent that.”
“And I will help you with that.”

At around 8:00 pm, the contractions came on a regular basis and were so bad now that Lore whimpered and gasped every now and then, sometimes even screaming.
“Maybe we should go to the hospital,” said Matthias doubtfully. “You can not stand it that much longer, they can at least give you painkillers at the clinic, then it’ll be fine again, there are still a few hours until midnight.”
Without waiting for an answer, he picked up the phone and called the clinic.
“We should come immediately,” he said.
Ignoring Lore’s protests, he grabbed the packed bag and pulled Lore up from her chair.
“Off with you in the car.”

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Half an hour later, they were in the clinic. The midwife connected Lore to the labor clerk and spent minutes looking at the doodle of it.
“It’ll take,” she announced.
It would be very nice if it was born tomorrow. ”
The midwife looked at Matthias. “It would be easier for your wife if it does not take so long and for the child too.”
“But you know what a day is today?”
“Oh yes – the day, well and if so, what is more important to you, that mother and child are well or that the child is not born today?”
Matthias did not answer.
“Birth deadlock”, it was said around 22.00 clock.

“Can you still do it? There are only 2 hours left until midnight!” Matthias was downright euphoric.
“I do not want to any more.” Lore’s voice was exhausted. “I just want it to be over.”
“The 2 hours, you can still do it.”

The midwife returned with the doctor.
And after a brief examination he said only one word: “Section.”
“But not directly?”
The child has the umbilical cord around his neck, the birth is over, we will risk nothing. ”
“But then the child has his birthday every year on that day …”
“Please do not make a fool of yourself.”
Then Lore was placed on a bed and pushed into the operating room.

Matthias stood stunned in front of the closed door.
“Shut up, Lore,” he whispered to himself.
“Hold on.” Midnight is soon