Good day, how are you?” Even the older pardon, ‘more experienced’ generations have slowly admitted that the times of this almost unrestrained and completely unkempt parlance are over once and for all. “Finally,” it escapes the one or other fifties, this miserable youth language was replaced by a decent and educated “What goes young lan”.
Finally it is over with the senseless use of articles in the sentence! “Is there an offer at Aldi today?” Scared many retirees, fearing that the German language could be lost in the long run. Good, then, that with the grammar of the young people was finally cleaned up. In reasonable German it says today “What is Aldi age?”. This almost graceful style of conversation not only cuts the sentences tremendously in practical terms many times over, no – it is also like music for the ear; The “lan’s” and “diggah’s” of this world, which are spoken at least three octaves deeper, have even been shouted into the radio microphones of the music publishers by very well-known artists. For example, from a certain “arrest warrant”,
The immigrants and refugees are a bit sorry for me. I mean, in the face of the completely overhauled and outdated nature of the German language, those have to literally drop their jaws. The German they have learned has been outdated beyond measure and long ago exchanged for the already well-described, soothing sounds of the New German Wave of Conversation. Yes, New Deutsche Welle der Konversation. There are many things in common: Comic hairstyles whose wearer you do not ask if they were at the hairdresser, but how their brain surgery has gone, torn clothing that apparently comes from a collection of used clothes and even the women speak at least two pitches lower.
Even the upper ten thousand adapt to the common usage exemplary. It is even rumored among political experts and journalists that even our Chancellor will be greeted with a warm “Jo Angy, what’s up?” When she pilgrims past her numerous bodyguards. Then the answer should follow “Runs in party! And with you brother? How is Mama? “Yes, even in the Bundeswehr … I wonder what it will look like in the future. Of course, there can be no exception that neglects our presentable mode of conversation. But personally, the picture calms down, when the Herr Staff Sergeant with a sleepy “What’s up guys? Stand ma’ silent “in front of his troops. Gorgeous this discipline, right? So I think we should be proud of our newly acquired cultural assets. Such a noble manners, which at the same time expresses the respect for the opposite and at the same time does not neglect the necessary friendliness, do not have many countries.
So now that we are all “brothers” and “colleagues”, even PEGIDA supporters need not be afraid of people who can not call blue eyes or blonde hair their own.
In this sense, “skin pure colleagues! And thanks for reading my text

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