Everything Konfetto, or what?

As you know, the plural of Atlas is “Atlases”, and that of Solo is “Soli”. But does the valued reader and the esteemed reader also know what the singular of “confetti” must mean? Oh well, you thought “confetti” could still top her with an attached “s”. Ha noi !. The singular must be called “Konfetto” here.

Hardly anyone knows that. Not even my spelling program on the PC recognizes this singular and mercilessly underlines it each time with red. And wikipedia even claims that there is no plural of “confetti”, which implies that confetti exists only in the singular. After all, it must also be called “5 kilos of apples” and not “5 kilos of apples”.

What now? Is there a single confetti or not and how exactly do you have to name it? When we stand by the carnival, Carnival and carnival parades late at night in front of the bathroom mirror, and (in spite of some schnapps) still discover a single colored scraps of paper in our hair, then that must – right! – be a confetti. This Italian word originally means “candy” (see also “Confectionery”), as they are thrown in the Cologne Carnival not one by one, but handfulwise (ie “pluralistic”) of the floats among the people.

And who would please in Upper Swabia, Munich, Cologne and Mainz come up with the idea to throw individual scraps of paper or sweets on the street. That’s why this real singular has disappeared from our German usage. Whether on Lake Constance, or on the Rhine. But that does not mean that it does not exist. , , the Konfetto. Or?

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