A husband and wife are out golfing

A husband and wife are out golfing

A husband and wife are out golfing. They’re teeing off on the 7th hole. The husband slices his drive into the rough, with his line to the green blocked by a maintenance shed. He says to his

wife, “I guess I’ll take a drop.” The wife replies, “wait, if we open the shed doors on both sides, you can hit straight through.” So he decides to try, but once again he doesn’t hit it cleanly. The

ball hits the shed and bounces back, hitting the wife in the head and seriously injuring her.

Fast forward a year, husband is back on the 7th tee with a friend and once again, slices his drive

behind the shed. Just like his wife, the friend suggests opening the shed doors and hitting

through. The husband replies, “I tried that exact shot last year and ended up taking triple bogey.”

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