A fox in the forest catches a little chicken

A fox in the forest catches a little chicken

A fox in the forest catches a little chicken that strayed away from the farm. The chicken sees the fox is about to eat him and begs:

Please, don’t kill me! Let’s go back to my farm together, and I’ll bring my mom out to you, swear! A big, fat, juicy mom!

The fox looks at the small chick, imagines his mom, thinks, and agrees. She takes him back to the farm.

Now, remember your promise, kid, – the fox says as she licks her lips.

Of course, fox.

The chicken flaps his wings, grabs with his claws, and climbs up the fence. A meter up, two meters… finally, he is on the top. He turns his face back at the fox and smiles:

Silly! I’m incubator-born!

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