They watch over us

Everyone wanted to know why I had almost left the hospital before the minor surgery. Well, there were a lot of reasons and I also happily told my loved ones. I said, for example, that I did not feel well, or that I was kept outrageously long, that I had decided during the wait that the procedure was absolutely unnecessary, and so on. But you, esteemed readers, I will now reveal what actually happened to me there. Was it an impressive dream or indeed a long-dead friend who saved me from a bad fate?

On Wednesday morning I arrived at the hospital. Everyone was very nice. There were three more women in my room, two of my age and an elderly lady. When I cleared out my things and stowed away, I talked to two of my roommates. One should have the almonds removed on the same day. She was a bit nervous, but otherwise she seemed cheerful, even happy. The elderly lady was irradiated twice a day for a small knot on her neck. The third patient was currently on the operation; I met her in the evening. However, she slept most of the time. On that day, I had to go from one examination to the next, several doctors looked at each other’s neck, looked a bit perplexed, but they were all very friendly. Lastly, I was led into an underground vault, where you took an x-ray of my neck. In the evening, my husband visited me, finally, the anesthetic nurse looked over. Everything was ready for surgery the following morning. It was getting dark, night was falling. One that I should never forget.

I could not fall asleep despite the sleeping pill, so I read a little bit more. From time to time, I looked out the window, which offered a pretty view of a gently rolling hill and dense forest during the day. But now, at night, the trees merged into a dark, impenetrable wall with a black, threatening sky overhead. My roommates slept soundly and snored that the walls were cracking. At some point I must have dozed off then, because I suddenly startled. When I opened my eyes, I felt more than I saw, a figure standing at the foot of my bed. At first I thought it was the young woman whose almonds had been removed at noon, and who had now woken up and could not fall asleep again. I glanced at the digital display of my watch. She indicated two o’clock in the morning. Quiet, so as not to wake the other two women, I asked, “Can not you fall asleep?” No Answer. I tried again: “Do we want to talk a little bit?” When she did not answer again, I thought she was sleepwalking.

Carefully, so as not to frighten her, I slipped out of bed to escort the young woman back to her bed. I used to do this often with my sister, who often talked in her sleep and wandered about the room. When I got up my eyes fell on the bed and I froze. The bed was busy. Breathing was suddenly hard for me, and very slowly, as in a trance, I turned my head to the right, where the figure still remained motionless. Weak bluish light surrounded the young man, I felt the burning eyes of his eyes. I wanted to scream, but no sound came from my lips. I felt my legs start to shake, I wanted to run away, but I stood there frozen. “This is a dream, a bad, scary dream,” it echoed in my head, ” I want to wake up, oh please, let me wake up. That stupid pill, she had to blame for that grisly dream. “-” I was waiting for you. “His voice sounded soft and distant, as if he was talking to me from afar, I was still very scared, after all Now my curiosity awoke, and I told myself that this was a dream that I would wake up soon anyway, so I played along. “Who are you? I did not know you. “Even as I spoke, the realization came in. He did not look like Luciano, he did not sound like him, and yet he was, the fear vanished, replaced by deep sadness that left me speechless. It was him, and he had come back, when he died nearly twenty years ago, in the hospital where I had accompanied him two days before his death. He was nineteen, me twenty. We laughed. None of us would have thought that we would not meet again. And yet it was like this. It took years for me to deal with the loss and horror, the shock was so deep that I thought I could not go on living. “I have not dreamed of you for a long time,” I whispered, “why now?” In my grief the old anger was mixed with the fact that I had never been able to tell him how evil it had been to leave me alone in this complicated world. But he said, “We never die, none of us really go away.” “So what, then you died to stay here, right here in a hospital?” My voice must have sounded a bit too ironic, because his smile disappeared and I felt an icy coldness emanating from him. “You do not look like Luci,” I said defiantly. “I do not look like your Luci back then because they burned him, you never visited me in the cemetery, you were not at the funeral.” Now I should have a guilty conscience after he just left. Angry, I hissed, “I do not believe in cemeteries, and I see you are not there either.” He grimaced again at the familiar, boisterous grin I had liked so much about him-back when the world was still alright. “I have to tell you, my gummy bear, (as he used to call me) that there’s almost nothing wrong with what the pastors told us. The only thing that’s right, that we do not die but live forever. And that is sometimes boring. Because I’ve died here, I’ll stay here too, that’s how easy it is. “Well, that’s not how I had imagined life after that, I was a little perplexed and silent, but he laughed again,” Mach Do not worry, it’s not that bad. Life here can also be quite exciting. “He told me a few Müsterchen from his experience as a good hospital spirit.While we leisurely strolled out of the room – I through the open door, he through the wall next to it – I was secretly pleased about dreaming such an exciting dream, but one thing left me with no peace, why had Luci known that I would come here? And that is sometimes boring. Because I’ve died here, I’ll stay here too, that’s how easy it is. “Well, that’s not how I had imagined life after that, I was a little perplexed and silent, but he laughed again,” Mach Do not worry, it’s not that bad. Life here can also be quite exciting. “He told me a few Müsterchen from his experience as a good hospital spirit.While we leisurely strolled out of the room – I through the open door, he through the wall next to it – I was secretly pleased about dreaming such an exciting dream, but one thing left me with no peace, why had Luci known that I would come here? And that is sometimes boring. Because I’ve died here, I’ll stay here too, that’s how easy it is. “Well, that’s not how I had imagined life after that, I was a little perplexed and silent, but he laughed again,” Mach Do not worry, it’s not that bad. Life here can also be quite exciting. “He told me a few Müsterchen from his experience as a good hospital spirit.While we leisurely strolled out of the room – I through the open door, he through the wall next to it – I was secretly pleased about dreaming such an exciting dream, but one thing left me with no peace, why had Luci known that I would come here? Well, so I had not imagined the matter of life after that. I was somewhat at a loss and kept silent. But he laughed again: “Do not worry, it’s not that bad, life here can be quite exciting.” He told me a few Müsterchen from his experience as a good hospital spirit. As we walked leisurely out of the room chatting – I through the open door, he through the wall next to it – I was secretly happy to dream such an exciting dream. But one thing left me with no peace, why had Luci known that I would come here? Well, so I had not imagined the matter of life after that. I was somewhat at a loss and kept silent. But he laughed again: “Do not worry, it’s not that bad, life here can be quite exciting.” He told me a few Müsterchen from his experience as a good hospital spirit. As we walked leisurely out of the room chatting – I through the open door, he through the wall next to it – I was secretly happy to dream such an exciting dream. But one thing left me with no peace, why had Luci known that I would come here?

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I had to either speak aloud or else, he could read my mind. He turned his face to me. The smile had disappeared again. “Yes, I knew you would come here, we ghosts have a lot of fun here and make sad people have funny dreams and bright thoughts, but sometimes we are also sent to warn new patients.” “Well, lucky that I’m just dreaming it all up,” I thought to myself, but he interrupted my words or thought, “Listen, gummy bears.” At our big meeting, which is always Monday, we get the Most tasks are routine, I have to comfort, to cheer up patients, to make them laugh, sometimes to annoy a too tight sister. We get a list of names, station and room number of our customers. “Once again I could not resist a penchant:” This is just as bureaucratic with you hospital ghosts as in real life. “-” Yes, just laugh, believe me , I imagined this life after death a little differently, but that’s the way it is. So, on my list for this week was your name. Although you are now married, but if we read a name, then we also see the person. – No, no, no photo “- he interrupted my thoughts again” I mean, when I read the name, I automatically see the corresponding face. “I think now to understand.” So you’re here to cheer me up? ” “No not really. I want you to leave the hospital, right tomorrow morning. Do not get involved in any discussions or I can not help you anymore. “Meanwhile, the laughter had gone by, what a serious dream it suddenly became … Again, Luci interrupted me:” You still believe in dreaming. Then I’ll just have to show you why you can not stay here. “Silently, he ran a few steps ahead of me, and I was astonished to find that his feet were not touching the ground, and finally we reached a strange little black door like this He asked me to open the low door, I stepped into a dark hallway and then stopped insecure, “I’m going ahead to see something,” Luci said, so I followed suit blue light that surrounded his form. It was stuffy and tight in the long corridor, breathing was heavier and heavier. I also heard distressed sounds, it was as if people were hovering around me, sad, crying people. My throat hurt, I could barely swallow. And as I ran my hand over my neck, I noticed to my horror that there was a big hole just below the throat. I wanted to call out to Luci, ask him to bring me back to my room, curse that stupid, terrible dream. But I could not speak, only a gurgle escaped my open throat. Luci turned around, smiled compassionately and said, “I would have liked to have spared you that, but you did not believe me, it’s true, your procedure is actually a routine matter, but this time a mistake will happen. You will not die, but believe me, what will follow, you can not call life. You would be in a coma for a long, long time, trapped in a body that can not function without machines. You’ll never laugh, never talk, never dream, never wake up, until finally a compassionate person turns off the machines to liberate your soul or death itself intervenes. What you hear here in this gruesome tunnel are the complaints of those I’m about to show you. Close your eyes.” never dreaming, never waking up, until finally a compassionate person turns off the machines to liberate your soul or death itself intervenes. What you hear here in this gruesome tunnel are the complaints of those I’m about to show you. Close your eyes.” never dreaming, never waking up, until finally a compassionate person turns off the machines to liberate your soul or death itself intervenes. What you hear here in this gruesome tunnel are the complaints of those I’m about to show you. Close your eyes.”

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I did as Luci called me and found myself in a four-bed room. The pale people lying in them hung on tubes, which in turn were connected to flashing and peeping devices. Apart from the sounds of the various machines, it was dead quiet in the room. But it was a silence of anguish and restlessness. Suddenly the door opened, it was glistening bright in the room and a night nurse appeared. She walked up to the first bed, checked the equipment, the hoses, and finally cast a compassionate look at the motionless patient’s face. Then she moved to the next bed, the procedure repeated. I stood at the end of the row of beds. As she scurried past me, I smelled her subtle perfume. She could not see me. Luci stood next to a sick person’s bed, put his hand on his forehead and smiled softly. Although the sister could not see him, but when she brushed him in passing, she remained briefly. “Why did you smile at the man’s bed,” I asked Luci later, when we were on our way back to my room. “He will be redeemed, tomorrow, I have seen it,” he answered. Everything is better than this terrible, hopeless existence in the gloomy long corridor, “I sighed with relief. “So you believe me then?” when we were on the way back to my room. “He will be redeemed, tomorrow, I have seen it,” he answered. Everything is better than this terrible, hopeless existence in the gloomy long corridor, “I sighed with relief. “So you believe me then?” when we were on the way back to my room. “He will be redeemed, tomorrow, I have seen it,” he answered. Everything is better than this terrible, hopeless existence in the gloomy long corridor, “I sighed with relief. “So you believe me then?”

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Oh yes, I did. “Thank you, dear friend, it is nice that I could see you again.” – He was standing right in front of me, and I saw that his eyes were Luci’s eyes. He waited until I was back in bed, then slowly broke away, as if from a distance his voice, Luci’s voice, came to me again: “Do not go to another clinic in the near future, wait a while, but let’s see again, certainly. “