Month: July 2021

A Late Night Party

A Late Night Party

The Descartes’ were hosting one of their fancy late night parties. (Blaise) Pascal and (Pierre) Fermat were there; Blaise playing the jester and making bets with passers-by about the craziest things you could imagine, and Pierre taunting the English as usual. The Descartes were renowned for these parties which usually […]

Forget the bill

These three were scrambling for cash to pay their bar bill. The bartender says, “Forget the bill – if the three of you can show me 21 inches, I’ll pick up the tab.” The three guys all looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and agreed. So, The first guy […]

Three men

Three men

Three men, an American, a Russian, and a Puerto Rican, are standing on a bridge. The Russian removes a bottle of vodka from his coat, takes a sip, and then throws the bottle over the bridge. The Puerto Rican asks, “Why did you do that? That was perfectly good bottle […]

A duck walks into a bar

A duck walks into a bar

A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender for some quackers. The bartender explains that the bar doesn’t have any quackers. The next day, the same duck walks into the bar and asks the bartender for some quackers. The bartender again explains that the bar doesn’t serve quackers. […]

The Bad News

The Bad News

The pastor stood before the congregation and said; “| have bad news, | have good news, and | have more bad news.”The congregation got quiet. “The bad news is: the church needs a new roof!” the pastor said.The congregation groaned. “The good news is: we have enough money for the […]