Three men

Three men, an American, a Russian, and a Puerto Rican, are standing on a bridge. The Russian removes a bottle of vodka from his coat, takes a sip, and then throws the bottle over the bridge.

The Puerto Rican asks, “Why did you do that? That was perfectly good bottle of vodka!”

The Russian replies, “There’s plenty of that where I come from.”

The Puerto Rican doesn’t want to be upstaged, so he removes a joint from his pocket, takes a long puff, and then throws the rest of it over the bridge.

The American exclaims, “Hey! What the hell did you do that for? That was a perfectly good joint!”

The Puerto Rican replies, “There’s plenty of that where I come from.”

Now, the American doesn’t want to be upstaged, so he searches through his pockets but he can’t find anything. He looks around for a moment, then grabs the Puerto Rican and throws him over the bridge.

The Russian exclaims, “What the hell did you do that for?”

The American replies, “There’s plenty of that where I come from.”

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