Today at the Noon

Today at the Noon

At noon today I was in a magazine kiosk for about four minutes. When I got out of business, there was a warden writing a ticket.

I went up to her and said, “I beg you, I was in a newsstand for a short time.” She paid no attention to me and filled the ticket.

This annoyed me and in a sharper tone I continued: “Hello? Are you hard of hearing, I was only in the newsstand for a few minutes! “She looked up at me and said:” This is not my fault. You are not allowed to park here and you should also be a little better at it! “

Her narrow-mindedness upset me a lot. I called her a stupid cow and told her that she could stick her shit anywhere. Then she got really angry and threatened me with an ad and said that this would have an unpleasant aftermath for me.

Finally, I told her that she was nothing more than a whore of the public order bureau and that if she could get another job, she could make a lot more money.

With the remark that I could soon prepare for an ad for insulting, she raged off. But that did not interest me much. Finally, I was there on foot. that I could soon prepare for an ad for insulting, she rushed off angry. But that did not interest me much.

Finally, I was there on foot. that I could soon prepare for an ad for insulting, she rushed off angry. But that did not interest me much. Finally, I was there on foot.