These are two shepherds who discuss.

These are two shepherds who discuss.

– I do not understand, I can not make small to my sheep.
And the second said to him:
– Listen, it’s simple, tomorrow at sunrise, you raise the sheep in your 4L, you take them to the fields, you align them, you drop your pants and you put a little blow to each, and the next day to wake up if they are in the shade is that it worked and if they are in the sun it is necessary to start again.
So the next day, the farmer puts the sheep in the 4L, takes them to the fields, aligns them and hop a little bit each. When he awakes, he opens the shutters and the sheep are in the sun. He goes back to see his friend and explains him.
So his friend tells him:
– Do not worry, you have to start again until it works.
So the next day, he raises the sheep in the 4L, takes them to the fields and gives them 2 small shots each.
The next day, on waking, he said to his wife:
– Raymonde, open the shutters and tell me if the sheep are in the shade or in the sun.
His astonished wife grumbles and opens the shutters. And suddenly, she exclaims:
– Oh my god!
The shepherd:
– What? What’s the matter ?
His wife answers:
They are all in the 4L and there is even one driving honking!

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