Mom, listen to me with your eyes

     A young mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen, focused entirely on what she was doing: she was going to fry the fries. She worked intently to prepare a dish that children would love. Fries liked the most.

     The smallest of the children, four years old, had a full day at kindergarten behind him and told his mother everything she saw and did. His mother casually answered him in half words and under his breath.

     A moment later she felt a pull on her skirt and heard: – Mom …

     The woman nodded and muttered a word. She felt the next tugs on her skirt and again: – Mom …

     She replied briefly again and continued to peel potatoes calmly.

     Five minutes passed. The child clung to her mother’s skirt and began pulling with all her might. The woman was forced to bend over her son.

     The boy took her face with chubby hands and said: “Mom, listen to me with your eyes! 

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