Man follows his wife

Man follows his wife

This man follows his wife every morning without her knowing. Sounds strange doesn’t

it? It’s not because he doesn’t trust her. In fact, his reason is a lot deeper.

This is an incredibly touching short film (it’s only 8 minutes but I guarantee you won’t

want to stop watching once you start). I didn’t know where it was going at first but

when I understood, I couldn’t believe what I was watching.

See if you agree with this husband. This wonderful husband really sets the bar for what

true love really is. This short film is called Blind Devotion and is created by the Jubilee

Project, a non-profit organization that aims to tell uplifting and inspiring stories to

help bring positive change in the world.

If you liked this short film, here’s another one by the same people that really moved

me: CoPilots

What do you think of this? If you were touched and inspired by this story, please share

it with your friends today.

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