At a computer exhibition

At a computer exhibition, the Comdex, Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry to the automotive industry and reportedly said:

  • If General Motors had continued to grow as the computer industry did, we would all drive cars that would only cost $ 25 and consume only 1/4 liter per 100 kilometers …
    In response to Bill Gates’ comments, General Motors released the following response, signed by the CEO himself:
  • If General Motors were to develop its vehicles like Microsoft’s software, we would drive cars with the following features:
  • The car would break down twice a day for no apparent reason …
  • Every time the lines are repainted on the roads, you should buy a new car …
    From time to time, the car would stall without reason on the highway. You would find that normal, restart and continue your way …
    Sometimes performing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause the car to stop completely and it would refuse to restart until you have completely reinstalled the engine …
    Only one person at a time could use the car, unless you buy VoitureXP or VoitureSeven, but in this case, you would have to buy more seats …
    Macintosh would make a solar car, 5 times faster, 2 times easier to drive but could only drive on 5% of roads …
    The oil, water temperature or alternator indicators would be replaced by a single red “General Vehicle Leak” lamp …
    The new seats would force people to have identical buttocks …
    The airbag would ask “Are you sure?” before going off …
    Sometimes the doors would lock and the car would refuse to let you in until you simultaneously grabbed the radio antenna, lifted the handle with one hand and turned the other’s key …
    General Motors would force buyers to choose a complete set of Michelin maps, whether they need it or not, whether they want it or not.
    Do not choose this option would result in a decrease in performance of the car by 50% or more …
    Whenever General Motors introduces a new model, buyers should relearn how to drive from A to Z because none of the orders for the new cars would be located in the same location and operate in the same way as on older vehicles. .
    Finally, you would have to press a button called “Start” to turn off the engine …
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