In the evening, hui! In the morning, pooh!

Child-free zone until the next evening! Storm-free shack cleaned up. Get ready for the long overdue singles.

First, despite pain, pluck bushy eyebrows. Squeeze out the last remaining depilatory paste, distribute between mouth and nose. Do not forget the five minutes lasting effect. After a long time, rinse the whole thing off. Hope that the overwrought spot does not shine forever. Meanwhile with my teenager’s wet shaver, since my Ladyshave has no blade anymore, demarcate Bikini Zone. After a moment of hesitation, also destroy natural contraceptive “hairy legs” with this torture device. Press toilet paper shreds on the fresh cuts, wait until it stops bleeding. Showering, drying. Re-use four-ply snippets until the wet red stops flowing. Overcome mad pain by deodorant on freshly shaven armpits! For the 47-year-old, Apply body lotion gift generously. Ignore the burning sensation in the future leg scars, this time using patches. Hobble into the room. Wardrobe, from noble underwear to matching accessories, neatly put together. For the first time slip into a thong, accept the strange feeling. Remove the only “push up” bra from the original packaging, plug in the br**st. Armless T-shirt over it. After successful crimping in the erroneously machine-dried jeans belt. Sitting down, trying to put on half-socks despite feeling pressure in the abdominal area. Put feet in shoes, tie laces. Get up, wait for dizziness, change rooms. Distribute mousse in large blobs. Form with hair dryer and brush. Model every single strand with hair gel to the total fullness. Fix with hairspray. Switch on the fixed lighting, prime it with the façade cover pin, paint the eyelids. Repeat use of Indian ink until thick eyelashes appear. Decorate with lipstick cheek and mouth. Use a few drops of perfume, puzzling why the full sample vial is empty at once. Examine overall picture in front of the large mirror. About suddenly crisp butt in the great-cut pants and strange tight br**sts marvel. For cell phone, cigarettes, lighter, tempo, lip plus concealer, perfume, bubble gum, keys, money and safety device, find space in your little purse. Out of the door, into the nightlife. until tight eyelashes arise. Decorate with lipstick cheek and mouth. Use a few drops of perfume, puzzling why the full sample vial is empty at once. Examine overall picture in front of the large mirror. About suddenly crisp butt in the great-cut pants and strange tight br**sts marvel. For cell phone, cigarettes, lighter, tempo, lip plus concealer, perfume, bubble gum, keys, money and safety device, find space in your little purse. Out of the door, into the nightlife. until tight eyelashes arise. Decorate with lipstick cheek and mouth. Use a few drops of perfume, puzzling why the full sample vial is empty at once. Examine overall picture in front of the large mirror. About suddenly crisp butt in the great-cut pants and strange tight br**sts marvel. For cell phone, cigarettes, lighter, tempo, lip plus concealer, perfume, bubble gum, keys, money and safety device, find space in your little purse. Out of the door, into the nightlife. Tempos, lip plus concealer, perfume, bubble gum, keys, money and safety device, can fit in the small purse. Out of the door, into the nightlife. Tempos, lip plus concealer, perfume, bubble gum, keys, money and safety device, can fit in the small purse. Out of the door, into the nightlife.. An elderly gentleman called on me, although I had warned him not to control this dance anymore.

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As I concentrated on his feet, he asked, “For the first time here?”

Right back, again before.

“Yes” I forgot another step.

“Long ago with dancing?”

Why does he cling so tightly to me?

“And whether!” It already degenerates as a deprivation of liberty.

“Because of the family?”

I stumble embarrassed.

“Yes!” Song over.

He gallantly took me back to my seat, thanking me and choosing another partner. To avoid being asked, I avoided all men’s looks. A beer belly shadow with balance problems and hedgehog hairstyle scurried constantly near me, until he faced me head in front of my flashing angle. I overlooked him successfully. Finally freestyle dancing. I plunged into the crowd, grabbing a space between the dance floor and the spectators. I moved wildly erotic to the rhythm of Bonney M’s potpourri mix. Then I sat on a free stool and ordered some still water. I was shocked when a lighter, set to the highest flame, briefly blinded me. A face with a mischievous smile, a cheeky look and a curly head made itself known. This Southern guy had my full attention. He disappeared again. No idea what that should be.

He later reappeared and spoke to me in my native tongue: “I absolutely have to dance with you!”, Demanded the fragrant Frenchman.

“Unfortunately, I can not do a foxtrot,” I replied to the attractive man.

“May I invite you for a beer?” As he gently touched my shoulder.

“I do not drink alcohol!” I answered my intimate dream.

“But I really want to get to know you!” This prince confirmed my yearnings.

I am hopefully interested! Full screen mode of his face. My God! He is at least twenty years younger than me. Does not this guy have eyes in his head? He had just explored me with his fire! Did not he notice that I was an optical illusion?

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“But I do not want to make friends!” I answered bitterly.

With a disappointed look and helpless shrug, he disappeared from my life.

At home, I got rid of my clothes. My bosom plopped from the top floor into the basement. My stomach arched with relief in its original state. I swapped the thong, which had been sore for me, with a pair of cotton underpants and put on an XXL undershirt. After pulling off five patches on my imperfectly disheveled legs with a painful jerk, I went to sleep. There I turned on the TV as every evening and fell asleep with the first advertisement. I awoke with sore muscles, tortured myself to the toilet, took a look in the mirror and froze in the light of day. The black eyelashes had spread badly. Around the mouth, blurred lipstick and toothpaste remains. Sticky Something in Medusa styling crowned my head.

In this monster look, I would have catapulted every lover from his erotic dream!