Willi was worried about his shop. For thirty years he led the small shop for art supplies. It contained everything that made artist’s and especially painter’s hearts beat faster: paints, brushes, easels, crayons, blocks of paint …

Nevertheless, fewer and fewer customers came. “You have to keep up with the times, Grandpa!” Said his grandson Fabian. “You need an internet presence with an online shop. I can set it up for you. “

Willi initially resisted “this newfangled stuff”, but allowed Fabian finally grant. “But only do the technical! I formulate the text! “

Three weeks later Willi called his grandson: “Fabian, there is not a single customer in the online shop! That must be due to a technical error! “

Fabian did not find anyone and was at a loss. His eye fell on the words of his grandfather at the top of the page:

“Welcome! You just have to click, you’ll get malware! “

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