An Old Lady Goes To see her Doctor

An Old Lady Goes To see her Doctor

It is a wrinkled old lady who goes to see her doctor:

  • Hello sir, can you help me?
  • Hello, what’s happening to you?
  • In fact I’m starting to get old … I have backache, head, stomach … I feel nauseated, my head is spinning … I am tired all the time I do not want to go out anymore, no longer want to eat … Can you do something?
  • Yes, there is one thing to do: every day, you go to your little garden with a bucket and you take earth. Then, you put a little on all the body, the hands, the feet, the head, very important the head! and the legs, the arms … All the body what! And you lie down, you stay like that without moving. And every day you put a little more land and you stay a little longer …
  • Ah, and that will cure me that?
  • No, but it’ll get used to you …
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