A man is on a business trip in Romania

A man is on a business trip in Romania

A man is on a business trip in Romania and figures to visit a local brothel. He walks in through the doors up to the madam and asks if anyone is available.

The madam says “We don’t have women and we don’t have men, but we have a badger.”

“Huh?” grunts the man in confusion, but then thinks about it a little bit and then decides to take the badger, if they have nothing else.

He spends the night, has breakfasts and thanks everyone on the way out, and goes on with his life.

Then years later life brings him back to Romania, where he figures, familiar faces

and all, he’ll go and see how that brothel is doing. Walks in, heads straight for the

madam and asks if anyone is available.

The madam says “We don’t have women, and we don’t have men, but we have a video: man and badger.”

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