The next day my wife and I went shopping in a mall

The next day my wife and I went shopping in a mall.
I looked at her as she tried on 3 beautiful but expensive dresses.
Since she could not decide, I told her to take all 3.
She could not believe her own ears, and so motivated by my understanding words, she went on to say she would need some new shoes due to the new clothes, which unfortunately cost $ 600. So
I agreed, I thought it was right ……
Then we went past the jeweler. She wanted to go in, and came out with an arm chain of diamonds.
If you had seen her …. she was totally excited.
She probably thought I was crazy, but she did not really care. I think I broke her whole philosophical scheme when I said yes again.
Now she was almost sexually aroused. People, her face was incredible, you should have seen that.
Just then, she said with her best smile,
“Let’s go to the cash register, pay!”

It was so hard not to start laughing when I said,
“Honey, I do not feel like buying all the stuff right now!”
Her face went chalky, really, and even more, as I said,
“I just want you to hug me!”
When she was almost bursting with rage and hatred, of course, came the last masterpiece and I said to her,
“You just can not handle the financial needs of a man!”

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