A man is at an airport

A man is at an airport

A man is at an airport, walking around. Suddenly, he sees a machine standing nearby. Coming close, he sees a poster upon it:

The newest analysing supercomputer! Tells all about you for fifty cents.

The man drops in half a buck. Five seconds later, a piece of paper comes out. He takes it and reads:

Peter Daveson, Oklahoma redneck, 35. Flies to New York at 18:00.

The man is impressed. But then he thinks:

“Hey, I am a human. Surely I can outwit a machine.”

He goes, dresses up as an old man and comes back. Puts fifty cents in again…

Peter Daveson, Oklahoma redneck, 35. Flies to New York at 18:00.

“Damn,” the man thinks. “Let’s try again.”

Paints himself up up in blackface. Puts in fifty cents…

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