A Long Journey

“A guy who just made a long journey by car at night decided to stop for some sleep on the stroke of 6 am, before continuing on his way, still long.
He stops on parking the entrance to a big city, a little away from the main road, to sleep a little, but its parking is in fact a place of passage for all the joggers of the Sunday of the city. At seven o’clock he is awakened by a Knock Knock at the window of the car,
The traveler, drawn from his sleep, opens his eyes, lowers the window, and says,
“Yeah, what’s the matter?” You have the time, ask the jogger. ”
” It’s 7:15, “the traveler answers after a look at his watch.

The jogger thanks him, and runs away. The traveler goes back to sleep, but for a short time, for blows on his window draw him out of his sleep:
“Excuse me sir, do you have the time?

  • 7:30 The second jogger thanks and leaves.

Seeing that other joggers may later come to prevent him from sleeping, the traveler takes a paper, a pencil, and he writes: “” I do not know the time it is! “” On his paper that he sticks prominently on his window. Then he goes back to sleep.

A quarter of an hour later, we hit the floor:

  • Sir, sir! It is 7:45 am! “
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