A conservative and a liberal were lost in a jungle

A conservative and a liberal were lost in a jungle

A conservative and a liberal were lost in a jungleā€¦
after what seemed like forever they came upon some old ruins with a beautiful fresh water

spring running through, so they decided to indulge drinking from and bathing in it. Before they

could finish they are ambushed by a tribe of indigenous people who capture and cage them.

They are hauled off to the village chief who says to them, “you two have stepped on sacred

land and tainted forbidden waters and for this you must be punished. Now choose your fate,

death or one hour of Lancing.” What’s a Lancing?” asked one of the men just as a huge

muscular individual stepped out from inside of a hut. “This is Lance,” says the chief “our village

stud, for one hour Lance here gets his way with you.” After a brief moment the liberal decides

that an hour of homosexual sodomising is still better than death so he takes the hour of

Lancing. After wich he is set free from his cage. The conservative, however, has a strong

conviction against homosexuality and exclaims to the chief, “I would rather die than commit such atrocities, I choose death!”

“Very well” says the chief. “Death by Lancing!”

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