The best of DINGSDA! Beautiful kids sayings!

When you sweat, the skin is leaking and the water seeps out.

When babies are still very small, the mommies have them in the stomach.
They can not be stolen.

What will become of men in heaven, when the angels are all women?

I was born on the 27th of July. Funny, exactly on my birthday.

I have curls, dad has curls, mom only has hair.

My dad is Aquarius and my mom is bubble level.

If you want to have children, you have to either sex or marry.

In the morning I always cuddle with mom, because I do not like other men in her bed.

Marrying is not so bad. A bit of sex, but otherwise it works.

When a man and a woman fall in love, they lie to each other a bit, so that they are also interested in each other.

When I get out of kindergarten I look for a wife and marry.

Love always finds one, no matter how well you hide yourself.

Getting pregnant is easy, but mom takes a paper strip and pees on it.

That’s all. When a woman has a baby, she becomes a womb.

My little brother is already weaned, now he has to be flattened.

I’ll marry the mom later. I do not want a strange woman.

When women get too much men’s seed, they grow little beards.

Moms and dads do not need parents anymore, so they will become grandparents.

Does the water stay in the sea overnight or do you leave it off in the evening?

Cows are not allowed to run fast so they do not spill their milk.

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Earthworms can not bite because they only have tail in the front and back.

My mom only buys eggs from free-range farmers.

In winter, the chickens do not lay eggs because their eggs are freezing.

In spring, the chickens lay eggs and the farmers potatoes.

I do not need cough syrup, I can cough without it.

Once I was so sick, I had 40 kilos of fever!

A peach is like an apple with a carpet on it.

If you eat sick cows, you get ISDN.

You can not eat mushrooms that fly, they are poisonous.

The fish sticks are long dead. They can not swim anymore.

I’m Brussels sprouts vegetarian.

My favorite food is rice pudding with apple compost.

When I drink soda, I always have mouth-puss.

For potato salad you have to make the potato naked first.

The Chinese eat with fish fingers.

I do not like mineral water without carbon dioxide, that’s too fluid for me.
Mama always complains that the household is a syphilis work.

I am not baptized, but vaccinated.

I am always supposed to clean my room, but I was born a child and not a slave.

Mama always creams her belly with oil so our baby will not get any stripes later.

Do mothers also have to eat grass to get milk out of their breasts?

My brother is only 3 years old, that’s pretty new.

My mom has a baby in her stomach, but I do not know how she swallowed it.