These are the rather unusual incidents that feed our memories

These are the rather unusual incidents that feed our memories. If they then have gone off lightly, ie without personal injury, then they are an event, which we can gain after smiles. 

At that time we still lived in Würzburg and had acquired in the Hinterer Steinbachtal as a young family a black house built after the war, but now officially recognized because of its wonderful location directly at the edge of the forest and because of its large garden. Renovation was announced before moving in and there it was necessary to lend a hand. Imagine, I with the trowel and the paintbrush, what effort, what an effort! Good that my practical woman had it, that made sure everything came to a good conclusion.

The inauguration ceremony took place within the framework of the extended family. Grandparents, brothers and a nephew had arrived. We proudly handed the whitewashed kitchen to the two grandmothers and went on an extended morning walk with the rest of the family. Coming home, we were looking forward to the promised stew and we already struck in the front yard a promising fragrance in the nose. However, why this? Two tear-stained, pale grandmas opened the door, both unusually speechless, pointing with their hands to the kitchen. What happened? The two loved ones had, even in old age open-minded, discovered and tried our pressure cooker. They had filled the pot to the brim and probably plugged the safety valve. Everything had exploded. Pea stew had penetrated every crack. The freshly whitened walls,
What a stone fell from our hearts that both grandmothers had survived this disaster unhurt. Therefore, we still like to talk about it, but not in the presence of our still-to-be mother-in-law, because with this memory she also falls asleep in retrospect.

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