Baccalaureate Competition

Baccalaureate Competition

Collection of sentences taken during a baccalaureate competition in the Paris region (syntax and spelling of origin).

In Brittany, we practice mountain breeding and transhumance.
Note the prunes of Agen whose fame is worldwide.
Brittany traditionally votes right because it is turned towards the sea.
The Breton coast is the place where are hidden the treasures of the pirates and the bretons who are greedy and greedy fight for these treasures.
Stony bands such as granite sheets crisscross the region.
The Breton coast is located at sea level.
Brittany is distinguished from the rest of France by its position at the seaside. Cows because of the proximity of the sea give salted milk which is made delicious Breton butter pre-salt.
Erosion has created curiosities such as menhirs and dolmens.
Britain, which was neglected, was brought back into fashion by the adventures of Asterix.
Brittany is a country of breeding: cattle, sea urchins.
Brittany can boast of its cider from the processing of the potato.
Cotton cultivation is not well developed.
Exploit unique in the world, Brittany, which has no oil has managed to run electric factories with seawater especially that of the Rance.

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